アメリカのコンピューター科学工学ジャーナル の調査 オープンアクセス


A Study on Delay, Throughput and Traffic Measurement for Wi-Fi Connected Stations Based on MAC Sublayer

Md. Abbas Ali Khan, Khalid Been Md. Badruzzaman Biplob and Md. Sadekur Rahman

A Study on Delay, Throughput and Traffic Measurement for Wi-Fi Connected Stations Based on MAC Sublayer

Solutions of networking, especially in WLAN, where wire is not used to communicate and focusing technological advantages to offering place-independent networking among the short range wireless devices. The MAC sublayer of IEEE 802.11 stands for WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) is mainly includes two fundamental access methods. One is called DCF (Distributed Coordination Function), which uses Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) approach. Other is PCF (Point Coordination Function), which is based on polling to determine the station that can transmit next. This paper is mainly focuses on the delay measurement, throughput, and traffic load of the network and also the impact factor of the DCF and PCF method of accessing to analyze more performance of throughput and less delay.

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