婦人科および産科の症例報告 オープンアクセス


A Traditionally Pediatric Brain Tumor Diagnosed in the Second Trimester of Pregnancy: Index Case and Review of the Database

Federico G Mariona and Karen L Plymel

Pregnancy and maternal brain tumors are an infrequent finding and a rare clinical combination. We present a case of a pilocytic astrocytoma (PA) diagnosed during the second trimester of pregnancy. This tumor is rare and is usually diagnosed in children. The occurrence in an adult presents different challenges regarding the long term behaviour of the tumor. Brain tumors during pregnancy are usually treated by a multidisciplinary team striving to protect the health of the mother while attempting to arrive at a time in pregnancy when the fetus can be safely delivered. There is a dearth of evidence-based information regarding the management of maternal intracranial tumors during gestation and no standard or established treatment. The authors recommend the reporting of the diagnosis, treatment and follow up of these cases to a National Registry to assist future patients and the health care team. Seventy-five percent of intracranial tumors in women of reproductive age present during pregnancy.