応用科学研究の進歩 オープンアクセス


Evaluation of the seasonal variation in the hydrogeochemical parameters and quality assessment of the groundwater in the proximity of Parli Thermal power plant, Beed, Maharashtra, India

Smita V. Humbarde, D. B. Panaskar and R. S. Pawar

Combustion of coals in thermal power plants is one of the major sources of environmental pollution due to generation of huge amounts of ashes, which are disposed off in large ponds in the vicinity of the thermal power plant. Objective of this paper is to study hydrogeochemical parameters to see pollution transport in the area of Parli Thermal Power Plant (TPP) and to understand effect of thermal power plant waste on the quality of groundwater and suitability of groundwater for domestic and irrigation purposes. In the present study, hydrogeochemical investigation is carried out in the basaltic terrain. The bore wells and dug well water samples were collected from the study area for two seasons i.e. pre monsoon and post monsoon in May 2012 and December 2012. Comparison of the groundwater quality in relation to drinking water quality standards proves that most of the water samples surrounding to power plant are not suitable for drinking purpose. Some of the samples fall under very high salinity and sodium hazard zone which are not suitable for irrigation purpose. Studies revealed that the high concentration of total dissolved solid, chloride, magnesium and sodium are may be attributed to the anthropogenic or industrial activities, ash residues dump and weathering of basalt rocks