臨床小児皮膚科 オープンアクセス


Pediatric Acne-The Many Faces and Challenges

Jurgita Karciauskiene

Skin diseases of children often are a challenge to a doctor. A certain communication with a child and his parents is necessary. The spectrum of skin problems in childhood is wide including genodermatoses, genetic syndromes, immunodeficiency, allergic diseases, autoimmune diseases, psoriasis, oncodermatology (nevi, melanoma, lymphoma etc.), vascular malformations and tumors, infectious skin diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, diseases of sebaceous gland and others. Acne is one of a most common disease of children, especially in their adolescence. In a most cases acne disappears in the adulthood but in up to 20% of cases it persists even after the age of 25. Eichenfield et al. divides acne into neonatal acne (from birth to 6 weeks), infantile acne (from 6 weeks to 1 year), mid-childhood acne (1-7 years), preadolescent (7-12 years or before menarche in girls) and adolescent (12-19 years or af?ter the menarche in girls) acne