米国先進ドラッグデリバリージャーナル オープンアクセス

音量 5, 問題 1 (2017)


Herbal Medicines for the Management of Diabetic Mellitus in Ethiopia and Eretria including their Phytochemical Constituents

  • Asfaw Meresa, Worku Gemechu, Hirut Basha, Netsanet Fekadu, Firehiwot Teka, Rekik Ashebir and Ashenif Tadele


Polyherbal Extract Based Linkus Lozenges for Symptomatic Relief: Design, Development and Evaluation

  • Hina Rehman, Aqib Zahoor, Zeeshan Ahmed Shaikh, Safila Naveed and Khan Usmanghani


Tablet against Pneumonia?

  • Igor Klepikov


Infection Control in the Use of Urethral Catheter: Knowledge and Practises of Nurses

  • Muslim Shah, Fazal Wahab, Farman Ullah, Umar Gul, Abdul Aziz, Zeenat Ullah