臨床エピジェネティクスジャーナル オープンアクセス

音量 3, 問題 2 (2017)


Epigenetic Signature of Impaired Fasting Glucose in the Old Order Amish

  • May E Montasser, Yu-Ching Cheng, Keith Tanner, Alan R Shuldiner and Jeffrey R O’Connell


Non-viable Neonatal Gastroschisis: Case Report

  • Allan Fernando Delcid Morazán, Delmy Soraya Barahona Andrade, Sendy Janneth Vides Torres, Wendy Patricia Barahona Zelaya, Ronald Emilio Mayorga Izaguirre, Fabricio Alfonso Leiva Molina and Carlos Humberto Gonzalez