婦人科および産科の症例報告 オープンアクセス

音量 2, 問題 1 (2016)


Eisenmenger Syndrome: Why Contraception in these Women?

  • Claudia Tomas, Isabel Lobo Antunes, Berta Lopez and Agueda Vieira


Sex Cord Stromal Tumor with Annular Tubules: A Case Report

  • Selma Sengiz Erhan, Aylin Ege Gul, Sevinc Hallac Keser, Seyfi Acar and Sibel Sensu


"Double Freeze" ICSI Success Delivery Case Studies and Literature Review

  • Xiaomei Zhang, Yu Pan, Xiaman Huang, Pin Wang, Kaifeng Liu, Naijun Dong, Yurong Ji, Fang Lv, Fang Chen and Hong She


Prenatal Diagnosis of Right Pulmonary Agenesis with Left Pulmonary Artery Sling and Total Anomalous Venous Return

  • Hazelzet T, Patrier S, Barre E, Labadie G, Wilmort V, Durand II and David N


A Case of Urethrocutaneous Fistula Following a Transobturator Tape Procedure for Stress Urinary Incontinence

  • Herraiz Roda JL, Maazouzi Y, Llueca Abella A, Delgado Barriga K, Piquer Simó D, Guijarro Colomer M, and Cañete Mota A


Mucinous Adenocarcinoma of a Sigmoid Vaginoplasty in a Patient with Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome: A Second Case Report

  • Couder F, Golfier F, Traverse-Glehen A, Devouassoux-Shisheboran M and Raudrant D


Unusual Bariatric Complication in Pregnancy

  • Steffi van Wessel*, Isabelle Dehaene, Yves Van Nieuwenhove, Marc Coppens, Kathleen Scharpe and Kristien Roelens